What to Expect
Settling In
We encourage you to bring your child to the Centre for a short play to give them time to become familiar with the environment and the Educators prior to commencing. It is each parents’ decision how often they would like to visit the Centre allowing you to feel comfortable with the orientation process for when you leave your child for the first time.
Parent will separate from their child on the front verandah. We have found children settle easier than when the parents come in.
If this is not working for your child, we will discuss the best course of action to settle your child
On arrival:
The child and their family are welcomed and introduced to their primary Educator. Your child will have their temperature taken. If their temperature is above 37.5C or are displaying cold like symptoms cough or runny nose, they will not be able to stay.
Parents are asked to digitally sign their child in and out on the attendance hub on the front verandah. Each contact person must create their own personal pin, linked to their email. Parents can use a QR code scan through the home app.
Please inform us of any requirements or information you or your child may require. Please sunscreen your child on arrival. Fabric Aeroguard is also provided if you would like to use it on your child.
The children are encouraged to put their own bags and lunches away. Through this self help skill, they will gain confidence in their own abilities and begin the transitional approach to school. Please keep this in mind when choosing your child’s school bag. Educators will help and guide children through their jobs on arrival. Children will then wash their hands before joining their group for free play.
On arrival and departure parents are responsible for their child until “hand over”. This occurs between their child and Educators on arrival and similarly “hand over” to parents in the afternoon. .
Once inside your child will be greeted by one of their primary Educators who will settle the child and guide them through their daily arrival routines.
This Includes:
Children’s food shelves, fridge, and fridge bags.
Children’s bag shelves
Child’s linen and handtowel
Child’s hat
Your child's Educator will ensure they are happy and settled into play before moving on.
Children's bags are packed and ready to go home after 2.30pm. If your child is being picked up earlier please inform Educators so we can ensure your child is ready to go home.
On pick up parents are required to digitally sign their child out through their QR codes or access their account and are then able to come in and pick up their child from inside. Parents are able to discuss their child's day with their Educator on hand over.
What to bring.
Your child will need to bring
Morning tea including fresh fruit yoghurt, cut up vegies, cheese and crackers.
Lunch ideas: sandwich, wrap, left over dinner, quiche + piece of fruit or vegies.
Small drink bottle with water only (for lunchtime or accessed throughout the day).
Afternoon tea small non refrigerated healthy snack ideas: crackers, vegies, dried or fresh fruit.
Spare clothes (labelled) for all ages. Spills and accidents can happen to anyone.
Nappies (if required)
At Tasman Park Children’s Centre, we follow the N.S.W. HEALTH guide to healthy eating and follow the Munch and Move Program, and as such encourage all children to bring nutritious food and save treats to have at home.
Any food not considered to be of good nutritional value will be sent home,
eg: chips, sticky foods i.e. rollups, sprinkles, sugary cereals, or any chocolate /cocoa (including chocolate custards).
Tasman Park may have children with allergies for this reason and to respect these children, we ask that children and visitors do not eat on their way in or out of the Centre.
We are conscious of our environment at Tasman Park we prefer parents to use minimal packaging when preparing lunches if you must send pre-packaged food please limit to a maximum of 2 items, fresh is best. All foods prepared at home or containing meat or dairy in the children’s fridge situated next to the food shelves under the kitchen servery.
Children are encouraged to open their own food containers. Please choose containers and water bottles your child can open independently.
Tasman Park will supply milk (full cream, lactose free available or any other required option will be provided) or water are offered at morning tea times. Water bubblers and their own water bottles are accessible to children throughout the day. Children use their water bottles at lunch times to practice as a school readiness skill and to wash their teeth with water before rest time.
Children’s clothing should be labelled, sun safe (safe (with sleeves and necklines high enough to cover their back and shoulders), comfortable and practical for the various experiences on offer for the children throughout the day. Children will be encouraged to run, jump, climb, dance and paint throughout the day. Please send your child in practical clothing for these rigorous activities. Please pack at least one full set of labelled clothes including a warm top and extra undies, allowing for seasonal changes in the weather.
A variety of sunscreen is provided by the centre. Please ensure you sunscreen your child on arrival at the Centre. Educators will reapply sunscreen when required. We also provide individual hats for the children to be kept at the Centre. Children must wear their hats to play outside in the sun when the UV level is 3 or above. You are also able to supply your own choice of sunscreen for staff to apply
Insect Protection
Tasman Park provides a range of aeroguard including tropical, low irritant and fabric, for you and Educators to apply to the children, You will be asked to sign a consent form with your choice of aeroguard noted. You are also able to supply your own insect repellent for staff to apply.
Tasman Park provides individual bed linen and hand towels for the children while at the Centre. Children will be given a symbol to recognise their linen.
The linen is laundered at the Centre each day.
Please Note:
Children are asked not to bring toys from home as this can often lead to sad children when toys are lost or broken. We encourage “telling news”.
We ask that parents do not let children open, push or swing on doors or gates at the Centre, this will impact on the correct safe closure of the gates, and hold children’s hands when entering or exiting the Centre, particularly in the car park.
If your child is unwell keep them at home, as you know it is the best place to be when you’re not feeling well. This will not only give your child the time to get better but will also reduce the risk of cross infection to other children, staff and their families. Any child displaying cold like symptoms will be sent home. This includes runny noses and coughs. Children must be symptom free to attend.
Only medication prescribed by a Doctor in the child’s name including paracetamol will be administered by the Educators. The correct dosage will be administered according to the pharmacist’s label. Parents will be required to fill out a medication form which will be signed by a parent and Educator.
Children need to be excluded when they have:
- Covid-19 with symptoms
- diarrhoea
- undiagnosed rashes or sores
- conjunctivitis
- coughs, colds & green runny noses from infection
- head lice
- contagious childhood illnesses
- vomiting
- temperatures 37.5C
Children need to be clear of any vomiting or diarrhoea for over 48 hours
Please refer to N.S.W. Health exclusion policy guidelines.
All children with listed medical conditions will need to have a risk minimisation and action plan completed by parents.
Children with asthma or anaphylaxis will need to provide an appropriate action plan completed by a health practitioner and provide a Ventolin puffer with spacer or EpiPen to be kept on the premises.
Note: As Tasman Park Children’s Centre Educators are not medical professionals we will seek the appropriate medical help for your child’s well being.
Guiding Behaviours
Tasman Park is committed to treating all children as individuals and as such will alter behaviour guidance to cater to individual children’s abilities and ages.
Educators at Tasman Park demonstrate respectfulness in the way they acknowledge and speak to their peers, parents and children attending our Centre.
Tasman Park liaises with parents in regard to the way they manage their child’s challenging behaviour. Educators discuss strategies with parents with regard to how Tasman Park manages the behaviour while at the Centre and form a plan suitable to meet both parent and Centre expectations. Tasman Park may source professional strategies or people to help parents and Educators with behaviour management issues.
Children are involved with making Centre rules and discuss the reasons these rules need to be in place.
Children are spoken to in a respectful positive way and encourage children to reciprocate with Educators and their peers.
Tasman Park Educators use redirection to try and avert any behavioural issues before they escalate.
Positive reinforcement for appropriate behaviour is paramount in the way educators interact with the children.
Children are given the opportunity to express their point of view or their actions when an incident occurs.
Children are encouraged to tell their friends when they do not like the way other children are speaking or acting towards them. Educators guide children in the use of appropriate ways to communicate their feelings with their peers. Educators’ role model empathy towards children and their peers and encourage children to demonstrate empathy by acknowledging their actions, and the consequences towards others.
Children may require to move on to the next transition, move away from a situation/play area, or have quiet play time with an Educator.
Tasman Park Children’s Centre has provided plenty of parking for your convenience so please be respectful of our neighbours and only park within the Centre car park.
Parents are invited to share any skills or interests they have with the children attending the Centre. Please speak to your child’s Educator or Jacqui to arrange a time.
Tasman Park is part of the St Georges Basin community. We would like your input by integrating your family and community events within the Centre.
We look forward to getting to know you and your child and hope you will enjoy experiencing the journey with us.
First aid contents list
Please check first aid products below and list any items on the enrolment form that cannot be used on your child.
Plastic Band-Aids
Zinc oxide tape
Micropore tape
Non adherent dressings
Sterile eye pads
Conforming gauze bandages 5cm & 10cm
Thermo blanket
Antiseptic swabs
Wound dressings #15
Saline water amps 15ml
Sorbolene cream
Cancer Council Everyday Sunscreen
Antiseptic cream
Ventolin (if Required)
Eucy Bear rub